Why I started a Blog on Minimalism?

A blog on Minimalism

Minimalism is making a comeback lately.
I adapted Minimalism as my Motto of living while welcoming this new year. But like any other resolution, it started loosing the spark.

This is when I thought about starting a Blog on Minimalism as-

I realized that I need to talk about it more.
I need some motivation along.
I need a Community where we all can cheer each other up and appreciate Decluttering.
I need like-minded people who too want to get rid of excessive stuff.
I need other Minimalist-believers to share my journey with.

If you want to know how having less money inspired me to follow Minimalist lifestyle- Check this out!

Do you believe in Minimalism?

Come, Join this journey with me and increase the Tribe.

Lets shout out to the World out there. My whole aim is to inspire fellow Indians to embrace this Lifestyle of living with less and quit the Life of excessive consumerism.

If you too call yourself a Minimalist, Share your story with us.

 When real people share real stories, it inspires.

New to Comeback Minimalist? START HERE.

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