Release your hold on the unnecessary

Minimalism is about removing the unnecessary and making space for the needful.

When we remain cling to the things which do not serve any purpose in our lives, we welcome unwanted stress.

We tend to get engage in the no-meaningful conversations, bitter relationships, controversial chats.

Where does these take us or What good they serve us?

None is the answer. They make us uncomfortable, they develop anxiety and rob us our peace of mind. The source may be any- a twitter chat, a Facebook Post, a TV soap or a person.

Today when all of us face a common issue of having less time, we still choose to spend our limited and precious time on these worthless activities and things.

When we release our hold on these, only then we will be able to focus on what is necessary or what is important.

Are you ready to focus on the essentials?

I want to take my Alexa Rank to the next level with My Friend Alexa


  1. The five pointer advise is the key to happiness. Thanks for this simple yet very important reminder

  2. Well, I cannot agree more to the concept of minimalism. I come from the scientific perspective of "entropy" - the more the number of particles, more is the random and the energy (nervous stress) in a situation. So, I believe that minimalism is one of the easiest paths to the modern version of 'salvation'.

    1. Wow Mansi, thanks for showing me another perspective of Minimalism. Yes, you are right, when wants are few, we automatically lead to salvation.


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