The problem with Indian Homes

Does your Home has a Store room?
What do you store?

Vastu says "Do not store empty containers but emergency items like food grains".
But with time, we tend to convert our Homes into Storage houses.

Look inside any House resided by a Family, you will not find an empty space. Each drawer, each cabinet is full up to the brim.

Once you enter the house, No whitespace will be in sight.

We relate abundance to richness.

We bring Home everything-beautiful.

We follow nice-to-have rather than must-have principle.

We accumulate things in the name of future and sacrifice our present cleaning and shuffling and maintaining that stuff.

And then we complain that our most of the time gets wasted in cleaning and organizing. There is no one to blame rather than our ever-buying instincts.

This is where Minimalism can help us discover the power of freedom.

Minimalism helps you to free up your time and resources which can be utilized to follow your passion, to explore the world and to create more memories.

Wanted to start the Minimalist journey but not sure where to start? Check out my short E-Book on Amazon

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Linking it with #MondayMusings


  1. I am not a hoarder. I like less stuff and clean spaces. I donate or throw items every 3 months. Will check your book and many congratulations on that.

    1. Its good to hear that Saru..I too like less-filled spaces. Wish more people should be like you. Thanks. Do check it out dear and share with your Friends and Family. Has your G+ issue been resolved completely?

  2. You are right, Upasna. I am just opposite to my hubby who's a shopaholic. Now I feel my house is lacking empty space.

    1. I am working on this these days. Being in a joint family, things are little difficult as we tend be hoarders with age. Taking slow steps towards it as people have emotional attachment to the things.

  3. Intersting post .I am actually in the middle of declutter and reviewing stuff .Loved reading this.#MondayMusings

    1. Its a ritual for me now. Thanks for taking time to read and comment Amrita.

  4. Oh I love this. Currently my household is a repository of things that belong to dead people, people who don't live here and people in the future who will inherit all the things that people in the present are keeping. Every now and then I do a purge and a spring clean but still the things pile up. Aaaargh!

  5. well said. we all fill up empty spaces for the future need. I feel it is just a false sense of security which we are falling for!

  6. I too love my house with lot of open space. I ensure to remove out old stuff, before i bring in new. But even then there are stuff which are kept for memory and some kept for future.

  7. Me and my mom get into arguments on the very same topic. I like very less stuff around me which i feel are necessary. On the contrary my mom doesn't even get rid of torn cloths. I fail to make her understand the seriousness of it and end up maintaining at least my room the way it want it to be.


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